Monday, August 18, 2008


I love making new friends and tonight I had a great time after water aerobics talking to Tiresa, Kate and Tasia. We all take the W.A. class together with Bettina, she rocks our world and we diligently work hard to push ourself further each night.

Yeah, I'm feeling it tonight....hoping the scale moves in the RIGHT direction tomorrow, yee-haw!


Anonymous said...

Great site Amy! Wondeful to meet you tonight and keep up the wonderful progress... God Bless You-Kate

RussianPrincess said...

I Love your Blog!! I'm soooo glad we got to introduce ourselves last night. You lit a fire under my bum and I am more motivated than ever. congrats again, You look amazing! God Bless you and we'll see you wednesday!


Anonymous said...

Keep it up Amy, you look HOT!