Wednesday, July 2, 2008

6 Days Away and I'm Sick!

What the Hell!!!! WARNING: TMI AHEAD!!!! Last week while we were on vacation, Edward and Della both had a viral stomach thing ~ I've never smelled more stinky poo's in my life but they both recovered and things have been quiet until today.

This morning I woke up with a sour stomach and I was overly tired. I ate some eggs with buffalo sauce on them (BIG MISTAKE) and the more I ate the worse I felt. Then it started, constant diarrhea, nauseousness and general miserable gut wrenching pain.

After what seems like a million trips to the loo, I think it's slowed down a bit but my stomach is hot, aching and I still feel nauseous. Colin ate breakfast and then immediately started to cry that his stomach hurt too.

So far he is just running a fever and complaining of stomach pain so I gave him some Pepto in hope to ward off the bad stuff ahead, fingers crossed.

Uggggg, it's been a downright miserable day, can I go back to bed now!?!?

1 comment:

JUDY said...

Amy, tick tock tick tock. the clock is moving. you're so close. oh yes I know for certain God is our provider. it's working out and it's going smoothly so this is meant to be. Not an obstacle has been set before me. I am excited, nervous and good to go.