Ahhhh, I feel GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing hurts anymore, yippeee and I walked and did some light jogging this morning to the tune of 1 mile, alright!
It's the first time since surgery that I put a concentrated effort into exercising which I have been missing dearly. My Brother and SIL live 2 doors down from my parents and when I was on my cool down walk past their house apparently Holly (their Yorkshire Terrier) was going beserk.
My SIL called me and asked if she could walk with me tomorrow morning, alright!!! We have to get it in early because the heat is consuming here right now, in fact I got a light sunburn today just from my walk/jog.
Going to be a busy week! Today Mom and I looked at new furniture for my house once we PCS to Whiteman ~ it's a BEAUTIFUL dark leather sectional with recliners and a sofa pull out bed for $1799, not a bad price at all! Can't wait to get it!!!
Dad wants me help him have a yard sale this week to get rid of all his work tools at the old house but I think we are going to rent a U-Haul and bring the stuff up here to Collinsville b/c there is no limit on what day you can have a yard sale and such. I think there is some major $$$ in what he accumulated in the last 40 years!
Doing okay on the weight loss front. I lost 19 pounds in 13 days and now my body is playing catch up, I haven't lost any weight in the last few days due to the adjustment so I am putting extra effort into watching my sodium intake and also picked up some yummy organic SF snack items at Green Earth yesterday including a got-to-have Organic Vegan Hummas Dip that is extra spicy, oh yeah!
Going back to the Troy Homecoming tonight, we missed the parade last night but there is another one tonight at 6pm and I think we will try and catch the ferris wheel, missed it last night because it wasn't working, boo-hoo since it's the only thing I can safely ride.
Need to post some new pics of myself! Went out with some friends at Applebee's Thursday night (ordered the Weight Watchers French Onion Soup w/o cheese and only ate a few bites!) Felt good that people could see that I've lost weight, yeah, baby can't get better than that!
Might go the boat tonight with my SIL Lori and my Bill's cousin Shawnery who is a dear friend of mine (she introduced Bill and I ~ hard to believe that we will be married 10 YEARS next month, wow!!!!)
Well, he is calling me on the phone, gotta scoot!